
Shifting a traditional retailer from product to purpose.

For years HomeGoods told the story of decor for less. But to compete with sites like Wayfair we needed to elevate our message. After all, people don’t just want stuff – they want homes that reflect themselves. And so we created a rallying cry: Make Home Yours.

The campaign delivered double digit growth year over year – huge for a brick and mortar store in the age of Amazon. It also helped gain a place in shoppers’ hearts – with 80% of shoppers saying they’d definitely return to the store, and 81% likely to recommend. 

The Home That You Made
The campaign showed the idiosyncratic rituals that help make home ours – and how HomeGoods made it all possible. 

Stories of Making Home
We evolved the campaign by telling individual long-form stories.

We also highlighted individual products by turning a negative of the HomeGoods business model (the fact that HomeGoods doesn’t have inventory) into a badge of honor.


Johnnie Walker HOUSE
